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Are you suffering from Game of Thrones Withdrawals? I have the solution! A GOT Wine Drinking Game


Has it really only been six months since the last Game of Thrones episode aired? It feels like many moons ago since we first discovered Melisandre’s fountain of youth secret and learned about Hodor’s painful past. Well winter has finally come and it’s refused to leave since we last enjoyed the exploits of our favorite Iron Throne chasers. Do we really have to wait six more, long months to find out whether Daeneary’s armada is headed to King’s Landing? I may need some Milk of the Poppy or some Essence of Nightshade to make it that long.

I don’t know about you but I’m starting to feel like a white walker at a mummer’s farce looking for something to fill this GOT void. Well for all you fine Westeros wannabees I have the perfect solution for your long winter blues.

Wine is Coming! No, not winter, that’s already here, wine. Wine I said.

The Old Gods (a wine maker named Vintage Wine Estates) and the New Gods (HBO) have decided to partner together and bless us with Game of Thrones wine in three varietals. Tyrion said it best when he proclaimed, “Everything’s better with some wine in my belly.” Even this nearly yearlong break between seasons, not to mention the five and half years since the last book was published, seems manageable with wine. Doesn’t everything?

The three varietals planned for release include (1) a Chardonnay which I think they should name Arbor Gold, (2) a Red Blend which should be called Dornish Red, and (3) a Cabernet Sauvignon which I have dubbed Lyseni Red. Tyrion hasn’t mentioned a preferred varietal, but based on the wine goblet seemingly glued to his right hand, we think it’s safe to assume he’d enjoy any … okay, all of these.

Jeff Peters, Director of Licensing and Retail for HBO said, “Given the prominent role of wine on Game of Thrones and our previous success in the beverage category, an officially licensed wine for the show feels like a natural extension for our fans.” Anyone who’s watched a single episode would agree that a wine partnership makes perfect sense. There are few scenes that don’t prominently feature a goblet or two. Wine and Game of Thrones goes together as seamlessly as Mad Men does a martini.

That previous success in the beverage category he’s most likely referring to is HBO’s partnership with Ommegang Brewery, where they have a whole line of Game of Thrones inspired beers including: Iron Throne; Tale the Black Stout; Fire and Blood; Valar Morghulis; Three-Eyed Raven; Seven Kingdoms; and Valar Dohaeris.

The first of these beers, Iron Throne, was released in 2012, just ahead of the season 3 premiers and quickly became a collector’s item.

If you’re interested in trying the new wines you’ll want to act quickly, like when the wines are released in March, because they’re expected to sell-out quicker than Lord Bolton.

Okay, so now that you have your wine or beer, it’s time to re-watch all sixty episodes and play the Games of Thrones Drinking Game. It’s so simple even “you know nothing John Snow” could figure it out. You simple watch GOT and take a drink of your wine or beer every time one of the things listed below happens, and they happen a lot!

  1. Every time Drogon, Rhaegal, or Viserion (the dragons for you GOT newbs) take flight;

  2. Every time Cersi drinks, she once said “an unhappy wife is a wine merchant’s best friend” and we know how unhappy she is;

  3. Whenever a Lannister reminds a mere mortal of their perfect credit score, because “a Lannister always pays their debts”;

  4. A blatantly obvious weather report is given, “Winter is coming”;

  5. Anytime a God is mentioned, the many faced, the old, the new, the seven, or the red;

  6. Whenever a raven is sent or received;

  7. Anytime Arya recites her kill list or names anyone to the kill list, Ser Gregor, Dunsen, Polliver, Chiswyck, Raff the Sweetling, The Tickler, The Hound, Ser Amory, Ser Illyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei, or Weese;

  8. Someone recites Daenery’s resume whether in part or as a whole, Daenerys Stormborn, House Targaryen, Daughter of Aerys, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals, the Rhoynar, and the First Men, Queen of Meereen, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons;

  9. Anytime the Wall is mentioned, if defending the wall is mentioned you must toast your fellow players and loudly proclaim “the Watchers of the Wall”;

  10. And finally, whenever there is male or female nudity, drink … water! We’re not trying to kill you and you’ll need to hydrate, if you plan of doing any kind of binge-watching.

We know you, like us, are counting down the days until Season 7, or at least you will be when HBO finally releases the actual premier date. “Summer 2017” is all the news the ravens have delivered to date.

We hope between reliving the first six seasons, our fun GOT inspired drinking game, and the GOT wine release in March, you can survive the winter and rejoice in the knowledge that the battle for the Iron Thrown will continue and, even better, it will continue with wine.

We’d love to hear how you’re surviving this loooooooong break between seasons. How do you get your GOT fix? Please let us know your thoughts below in the comment section and don’t worry: we’ll do a full review of these wines as soon as we can get our hands on them!

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